Music Recs Column 001

posted by jeff doge            

Every week I’m gonna have quick one sentence reviews of some albums I like. Nothing verbose or shitting on albums I don’t like, I’m just pitching why I recommend this albums in as little words as possible. 

Distorted Pony - Punishment Room

a nice & short noise rock classic with great Steve Albini production, everything especially the drums feels like a punch to the gut.


My Dad is Dead - The Taller You Are, the Shorter You Get

the ultimate doomer album, some of the most simple & straightforward confessional lyrics over some of the best guitars i’ve heard all recorded by one guy.


The Gun Club - Miami

To me one of the quintessential american albums, no one mixed blues & punk like they did & Jeffrey Lee Pierce could tell a story better than anyone else in the punk scene.

The Pillows - Runner’s High

If you like flcl listen to this, the actual album a lot of the songs used on the show were made for + other songs in the same style, no other band is able to cheer me up no matter what when listening to their music like the pillows


Oppenheimer Analysis - New Mexico

one of the most interesting synthpop albums i’ve heard, a sorta concept album surrounding the atomic bombings & cold war paranoia, pulls off sounding equally beautiful as eerie.

If you like these recs make sure to tune into my radio shows every Friday at 9pm NYC time
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