Trash Economy

posted by jeffdoge
September 26, 2021 9:42 PM

These are all under the train tracks going into Sheepshead Bay.

Probably one of the places I’ve walked by the most in my life, I passed by this everyday going to & from my middle school & pass by it too whenever I’m walking towards the Bay. Since I've passded by this so many times, either I think absolutely nothing about this when walking through or I'm more observant than anyone should about the garbage on the ground.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen this area without that garbage all around, a lot of the trash like finished bags from snacks, cigarettes or bottles obviously can easily pass through the holes in the fence but i've always wondered how did they get larger objects like even furtinuture over the fence.

The street I walked past everyday going to high school, for some reason there was always garbage dumped & which accumulated on this block. It would get to the point where parts of the block were impossible to walk through because the entire sidewalk was covered in trash. Later the sidewalk would finally be cleared of the trash & then it would start accumulating again. I wondered, did a bunch of people in my neighborhood just collectively agree to dump all their trash on this block? For reference, literally no one lived specifically where all this shit was dumped; it’s in front of construction that’s been going on for at least 8 years or so, & I guess just will never be completed. 

Quite often they’ll drop off things that I guess are too big to fit in garbage bags here like couches, TVs, chairs & large broken mirrors. Seeing the amount of vapes, both in terms of the packaging & the physical vapes themselves dumped made me realize just how wasteful vaping must be for the environment, at least cigs more or less degrade on the ground. There's a youtuber guy who just reviews cigarettes as his brand who pointed out how wasteful vapes are & you know, he's on to something lol

The construction site is boarded up with a mix of wood & metal fencing that swings around when it's windy & always looks like it's on the verge of collasping. There's been times when I walk past here I can see parts of the fencing swing so far, it probably wasn't the safest decision to walk down this street that day & a day like 5 years where the entire fence fell exposing the whole site to everyone for few days. There are holes in some parts of the fencing which I love peering through to look at the "progress." For some reason this shit fascinates me, they've built almost jack shit, you can see all the overgrown weeds, there's still a bunch of construction tool like wheelbarrows just laying outside here & once again a whole lot of garbage. amuses me in a dumb way thinking of who brought a toilet into the construction site. It makes me feel like I'm committing some bizarre crime by looking at the area.

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